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Merewether Dual Occupancy

Maximised yield with unique character


Merewether Dual Occupancy sees the demolition of a single dwelling and construction of two attached dwelling on a 15.4m wide, 557m2 lot in Merewether.


Each four-bedroom dwelling is unique, providing individuality that is often welcomed in the target market of owner occupiers. The planning of the development maximised solar access and privacy to each dwelling whilst providing excellent access to light and ventilation. Internally the living areas are designed to experience either landscaped courtyard or double height void, adding to the luxury feel of the homes. Master bedrooms are grand in their proportions featuring significant walk in robe space and ensuite bathrooms. Externally, prefinished materials are utilised throughout in order to reduce maintenance and ensure longevity. Car parking is maximised whilst providing a well-articulated streetscape.


The project maximises yield for the developer, whilst providing high levels of amenity for the purchasers and is a welcomed addition to the streetscape.

